
Submission of Environmental Impact Statement

Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers  has submitted the revised Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Kangaroo Island Seaport. The EIS has been modified to address all government department and agency comments and suggestions, received following the submission of an earlier version of the document in late September 2018.

The EIS shows that the KI Seaport will generate employment and economic advantages for the community of Kangaroo Island that would otherwise take almost 30 years to accrue, at current rates of growth. There are additional benefits for the State and for the nation’s exports.

In addition, the EIS confirms that construction and operation of the facility, with appropriate management measures, would have no negative effects on the land-based abalone farm that is also located at Smith Bay.

KIPT will advise the ASX when the Minister for Planning determines that the EIS will be formally placed on public exhibition.

Read the full ASX release here