
Second round of consultation complete

The revised jetty design (in black), with the former design in yellow. The jetty design was revised in response to feedback from Yumbah and others in the first round of public consultation earlier in 2019.

On November 7, Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers announced the start of a second round of public exhibition by the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, in relation to the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Statement, describing the revised marine design of the proposed KI Seaport at Smith Bay, Kangaroo Island.

The EIS Addendum formally modified the proposed design to incorporate changes announced by KIPT on September 20, specifically to address the concerns of the neighbouring onshore abalone farm at Smith Bay. The Addendum shows that the environmental impact of the in-water structure is significantly reduced by the changes that have been made and that, in particular, the likelihood of the abalone farm re-entraining its own heated wastewater is unaffected by the proposed development.

That period of public exhibition has now concluded, and KIPT will soon be provided with any submissions received by the Department.

KIPT looks forward to a favourable outcome in the new year, following submission of its formal Response Document, which will address all comments made during both periods of public exhibition.

There will soon be an update on the impact of bushfires on Kangaroo Island.